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    Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co.

    APM House, 18 Raoul Wallenberg St.,
    Building D, 6th floor, Ramat Hachayal,
    Tel Aviv, 6971915, Israel

    101 Hebron Road
    Beit Hanatziv, Building B, 3rd Floor


    T. +972-3-5689000
    F. +972-3-5689001
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    Media Center / News

    Adv. Rachel Harari-Lifshits Interviewed by Globes on Violations Regarding Employees’ Pension Rights.

    February 18, 2013

    In the interview, Adv. Harari-Lifshits, head of our firm’s Labor & Employment practice, stressed employees’ responsibility to take active measures to ensure that their pension allocations are being made properly by their employers.


    For the full article in ‘Globes’ click here (Hebrew article).