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    Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co.

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    Tel Aviv, 6971915, Israel

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    Beit Hanatziv, Building B, 3rd Floor


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    Media Center / Events

    The gathering of “Advocating for Change”

    August 3, 2022

    We were glad to host at Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co. the gathering of “Advocating for Change”, a leading female lawyers forum, which was founded three years ago by Ori Turkia – Shelas.

    The forum perform as a dynamic community for over 350 female partners in leading law firms in Israel and is working hard to promote female lawyers to leadership roles, to connect and network between women in the legal profession and to change the working culture in law firms.

    We would like to thank Ori Turkia – Shelas for letting us hosting this wonderful forum and also to Maya Miller for presenting us a fascinating lecture about negotiation methods.